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Integrate with BambooHR

How to integrate BambooHR in a few easy steps

Jafar Owainati avatar
Written by Jafar Owainati
Updated over a year ago

Click on Settings in the navigation menu, and then the Integrations tab.

Click the Connect button to start the guided process of linking your BambooHR account with Barley.

Step 1: Enter your Company's Subdomain

Enter your BambooHR subdomain and click Submit. You will be prompted to Open Window and log in to your BambooHR account.

Step 2: Map your Custom Data Fields

You will be asked to sync a few custom data fields between BambooHR and Barley.

The two custom fields are:

  1. Gender (Optional): For gender using a custom field (such as Men, Women, Non-Binary, and more) instead of the default field (Male, Female)

  2. Pay Change Reason: This captures reasons for pay changes, such as promotions or merit increases

Once you have mapped all two fields. Click Save mappings.

Step 3: Complete Sync

Your BambooHR data will begin to sync with Barley. Depending on the size of your organization, this can take up to an hour for the first sync.

A note on Variable Pay

In BambooHR, you may be storing Variable Pay in a number of ways. You could be using the default Bonus and/or Commission tables in BambooHR:

Alternatively, you may be using a custom table that captures On-Target Earnings (or what we call in Barley "Total Pay") along with Variable Pay:

If you are currently storing a form of Variable Pay, please contact Barley Support to map this data into Barley.

You’ve now successfully integrated Barley with BambooHR!

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